Anyway- our trip was a hootenany with lots of beach time, good laughs with good friends, and some quick peeks into the world of LA. 20 minutes at Venice Beach was enough for me, perhaps I would have liked it more if I would have taken up any of the hundreds of offers to buy me some medical marijuana. Clearly I was showing some symptoms of chronic illness, because many people tried to treat me. And this comes from a person who spent two years on the beaches in the Caribbean without ever being offered drugs. I did enjoy watching the roller skating dancers and the amazingly skilled skateboarders. There was one little guy who was about 4 who amazed our entire family. Universal Studios was entertaining, as long as I didn't dwell on how much we had paid to be entertained in such a fashion. But we spotted no stars. I was longing for a peak at Johnny Depp. I do adore him. Jon, my own personal guide to the stars, informed me that Johnny lives in France, so I should stop rubbernecking, hoping for a glimpse. We took the twisty road up to the Hollywood sign (well not all the way up, but close enough for me to get a little carsick) and strolled on the walk of fame for a while. There was a big event happening with spotlights and crowds and I got a little excited, but once we got close enough we found out the stars being photographed were.....muppets. I saw Kermit, but couldn't get close enough for his autograph. shoot.
A highlight of the trip for me was watching my boys delight in their 2 year old cousin Dara. One morning Eli was sitting on the couch, all plugged into his ipod, earphones and all, playing some game. I swear if I had tried to ask him a question, I would not have penetrated his cloud of concentration. But little Dara came over, put her hand on his knee, looked up into his face, and in two seconds Eli had unplugged and engaged with his cousin. His game forgotten on the couch. Loved it. I have to admit, I would unplug from almost anything to spend some time with that little ball of energy. She is something special.
And now we're home. When we landed in St. Paul at the dinner hour it was dark and icy and below zero. But there are still Beach Boy tunes being played, we still have a little excess vitamin D pumping through our systems, and still are getting some laughs over our memories from last week.