Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Eli's Sardonic Worldview

The other night I was reading to the two boys before bed. It was one of the early cool and rainy nights in August after intense heat and I was cherishing actually snuggling with the boys- rather than trying to preserve my cool and my personal space like I had been doing through that heat wave. Anyway, we had a lovely read, then we were just chatting. I mentioned that the weather reminded me of October, which reminded Eli of Halloween, which got him started on talking about all of the candy that piles up over Halloween, Christmas, Valentine's day, and Easter. His actually piles up because his sweet tooth is severaly UNDERdeveloped. I never had this piling issue as a kid.
As we were all three snuggled in Theo's bed I started making up this song about candy and me and how I planned to hog it went something like this (Please, no attempts to pirate this song- I am working on copywriting as we speak) "I'm going to take the candy and put it in my pocket, put it in my pocket, and NEVER share it with anyone!" Eli was silent for a second or two, then said, "Geez Mom, I think you might have just written the theme song for America."

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