Friday, February 5, 2010

Stepping out

Even though it is only February, and early February at that, it is time to start thinking about summer plans. Typically my boys have done a week or two of daycamp out at the camp of my youth. They love it and have convinced quite a few of their friends to join them over the years. This year I raised the idea of going to the overnight camp. Eli was in right away if a friend would go with him. Theo did a bit more hemming and hawing. Yes, then a desperate No! Then a few days later, as I greeted him upon getting home from work he said, "Mom, I've made my decision. I am going to go to overnight camp. Forever." I immediately told him that there was no way that he was going forever- that was not fair! He said, "No, I'm not going forever, I made my decision forever. I am not going to change my mind again!!" Then back to the legos for a minute before a slight cock of the head and a seemingly offhand, "And I don't think you are going to survive it." How true how true. I have had no problem when they head off to the grandparents for a few nights, or even a week, but off to summer camp? I'm going to have to practice some deep breathing. Partly because I will miss my guys tremendously and this seems like such a step toward eventual independence, but maybe more so because I was once a counselor there and I know what goes on behind the scenes.....

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