Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Bike fever

As this loveliest of Minnesota spring keeps rolling along, my bike fever gets stronger and stronger. I started out commuting to work when the forecast called for sun. Then I decided to ride even if it might rain on the way home. Last week I came to the startling realization that I can even ride in rain on the way to work, because, get this, I dry! I've taken to running any errand possible on my bike. I think I can stow about $150 of groceries in my two panniers and backpack. I wish my boys didn't drink quite so much milk, but it all adds to the workout. Today was so blessedly glorious I had to get out for just a ride, beyond my usual bike errands. I took off around the lakes in Minneapolis and was cheered by the many other cyclists out and about. I also realized that I was not as far gone with my bike fever as some others. The small woman with the huge cello on her back passed me by like I was standing still. And the guy with the homemade trailer who was biking his kayak over to the lakes made me smile. It made me think of my friend Kari, in Chicago, who commutes 2.5 hours round trip by bike daily. She is so dedicated that a few years back she biked to her wedding gown fitting, then threw the newly altered and pressed dress into her pannier. Love it.

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