Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Ode to Minneapolis

My friend Amy wrote a little ode to Minneapolis this fall after she started biking to work. Now I have to join the chorus. This past Saturday, on a sunny and warm winter afternoon, my husband dropped a friend and I on the (frozen) shores of Lake of the Isles with our skies. 1.5 hours later we arrived at the Theodore Wirth golf course clubhouse, thirsty as can be and fully in love with Minneapolis. Due to the upcoming "City of Lakes Loppet" ski race, there are (or were, yesterday's rain probably did some serious damage) groomed skate and classical trails from the lakes out to Golden Valley. We had to take our skies off twice to cross small roads, but otherwise we were blissfully skiing over lakes, down channels, through culverts, over 394, and through the wooded wonderland of the Theodore Wirth corridor. It was a hoot. And to see what seemed to be the entire population of Minneapolis out enjoying the warmth and snow was also wonderful. Lake of the Isles has a humongous rink cleared off. I bet there were 300+ people out on skates. And the lake was being circled by skiers, bikers, runners, and dog-walkers. Deb and I probably went 10-15K, and we took almost the shortest possible route from point A to point B. If we had done all of the side loops, we could have skied until nightfall. If the warmth and rain didn't ruin it, I highly recommend you give it a go. Check this link for maps and information. http://www.skinnyski.com/trails/traildetail.asp?Id=448

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