Friday, August 6, 2010

Kitchen Confidential

Today I spent about 6 hours in the kitchen, trying to get a handle on the outstanding produce before we head out to DuNord for awhile.  I made:
3 jars of salsa
1 big jar of cucumber refrigerator pickles
1 ice cube try of some seriously potent pesto
6 loaves of zucchini bread
and a big tray of my mom's infamous 'no-bake bars'

Ok, there are no vegetables in the no-bake bars, only sugar. 

I found that the ingredients I was working with really did not go well with a little wound I have on my finger.  First vinegar, then hot peppers, then onion, garlic, tomatoes, lime juice.  I was suffering.  But the bounty in my fridge and freezer make it all worthwhile.

And here's the confidential part of this little tale.  The wound- it's from when I sliced off a little piece of my finger earlier this week while making pasta salad for a neighborhood potluck.  Not a lot of my finger, just a teeny little fatty section next to the fingernail.  But I never found it.  I was chopping onions at the time and it just got mixed in.  So my potluck dish was probably not 'vegetarian' as I claimed.  Don't tell the neighbors!

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