Thursday, October 20, 2011

Alex P. Keaton

Today Theo headed toward Fargo with his grandparents for a Martinson family history tour.  Jon has asked his parents to (indoctrinate) introduce his sons to this place where he spent is formative years.  A few years back they took Eli. Theo has the added bonus of going at a time when his fabulous cousin Jordan is a freshman at Concordia, across the river from Fargo.  Theo has been looking forward to this trip for some time.  Most of the excitement seems to be about the opportunity to watch a movie in the minivan during the four hour drive, but he is of course thrilled to be spending time with his grandparents and to be the first Sage-Martinson to visit his cousin at college.

This morning he woke up, took a shower (without prodding) then came downstairs dressed in khaki's, a button-down shirt, tie, and sports coat.  Seriously. Gave me a shy smile and said, "Well, we are going out to eat with Jordan tonight."  At a pizza place.  This is the kid who normally wears sweatpants that are all twisted around and sideways.  Drives me nuts.  Here he was all fancified.  For a four hour van ride, then dinner at a pizzeria with his sweet cousin.  She has promised a campus tour, and Theo has already declared his intent to become a cobber, so I think he's hoping to cut quite an image on campus.  Get people excited about the incoming class of 2024.  2024.  sheesh. 

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