Friday, January 6, 2012

Christmas competitions

Christmas just isn't christmas at my parents' house if there isn't some sort of competition.  Sometimes its sled races, or snow ball fights.  Often it's a pingpong tournament.  This year the weather was not suited for sledding, but with it being 45 and sunny, we were able to have a great game of kickball.  Or it was great, until my husband pegged my mom with the kickball.  In the face. And they were on the same team. Although, for the record, she did kind of deserve it.  She was supposed to be fielding, but was too busy taking pictures to put her hands out to catch the ball.  She took it well, laughed it off, and we went back to the game. 

Once we got kickball out of our system we retired inside for the pingpong tournament.  I started out the first round by taking on my 81 year old great uncle.  Now, he's tough.  Growing up, his sons used to school us, and then he would come downstairs and make mincemeat out of his sons.  I haven't played him in years, but I knew it wouldn't be easy.  Although he is 81.  Well, I had a great victory in game one.  Then he was warmed up.  I did put up a bit of a fight, but he finished me off rather quickly.  I think he could have been the overall tournament winner.  Only he had to go up to take a nap.  Do I take that as a compliment?  Or does that make my loss even more embarassing? 

Post pingpong we started a new tradition- the dance competition.  Turns out no one could compete after watching Pete and Jay dance to a Katy Perry song.  We were too weak with laughter.  We will let them take the dance title for this year.  I will admit that I am practicing in the privacy of my own home so that I am ready for next year's dance-off.  Wonder how good of a dancer Uncle Bill is?

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