One freezing cold morning I ran out to my car after working out at the Y. I was already on the cusp of being late for my 7:45 meeting. I unlocked the car, jumped in, started it as it was about 20 below zero, then jumped back out to scrape the windows, as ice and snow had accumulated during my brief time at the Y. I scraped and then went to get back into the RUNNING car. But my door was locked! What? How did that happen? All my stuff was in locked car. That was running. My phone, my house even if I could catch a bus quickly to run home and get another car key, I had no money to pay for the bus, nor a key to open my house door. And it was -20. I think the cold froze my brain, causing me to bolt into action before really thinking the whole situation through.
So I ran into the Y, frantically, knowing that I had about a 3 minute window that if I was extremely lucky, I might catch Jon before he jumped into the pool at the Y closer to his work. I used the Y phone to call his cell, once, twice, fourteen times. No answer! I then thought to call the front desk of the Skyway Y before Jon checked in there. I asked the Midway Y desk person for the number of the Y down the street. He had NO idea. What? So I demanded he give me a unused Y membership card as I knew the numbers for all the local Ys were on the back. Not sure why he didn't know that. I called the Skyway Y and breathlessly asked them to look for a tall, not-blonde, guy in his 40s who answers to Jonathan. He should be passing by the desk in the next few minutes...and if he did, stop him! Ask him to call the Midway Y (Wait- here's their number as you may not know it!!) and ask for Gretchen! Don't let him get in the swimming pool as I need him!
I then started to worry about my car out there running on the street, unattended. So I quickly tried to explain my situation to the sleepy desk guy. I think he got it. If someone called the front desk and asked for Gretchen, it was me! Then I ran back outside to check my car. I was sweating by this point. Shower wasted. Car was still there. Still locked. Still running. Ran back inside. No calls for Gretchen. Back outside. Still there. It was at this point that I had the brilliant thought to check all of the car doors.
Sure enough. It was only the driver door that was locked. All other doors unlocked. So I sheepishly got in the back, crawled over the front seat, grabbed my purse, turned off the car, got out, ran back in, explained to the desk guy that if someone called for Gretchen to tell the person that the emergency was over. Then I used my cell phone to call the other Y, cancel the APB on Jonathan, and then try Jon's cell. He answered. He had been home in bed the whole time, having skipped his workout. He woke up to find 14 calls from an unknown number (the Y!) and was getting worried. I told him to go back to bed. Crisis averted.
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