Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Book Club for Boys

Last Friday Eli and I went to the second meeting of the book club we started for he and 6 of his classmates. This one was not at our house- someone else happily volunteered to host it after the inaugral meeting at our house featured a surprise attack on the parents that involved every last piece of faux weaponry in our admittedly vast aresenal. This last meeting did not involve any weapons, but that did not stop the seven boys from playing a rollicking game of tag, indoors. But, it should be noted, their game involved 'the cheese touch' which was directly from that month's book. All the parents had to do was sit in the kitchen and sip our tea with our fingers crossed. That is the ticket to avoiding the dreaded cheese touch. And it was also a surefire way to find out which parents had actually read the book, and which had not. Eventually, we gathered the kids in the living room and had a brief but fun discussion of Diary of a Wimpy Kid. It was loved thoroughly by all people under 12. And Tom Gau. Those older than that found it amusing but wondered how many more books we could read that were totally devoid of anything resembling a plot. I guess we'll find out. They voted for A-Z Mysteries: The Yellow Yacht for next month. If it is a murder mystery, we parents better keep a close eye on the pre-discussion game playing at the next meeting!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Another acorn of truth from Andrew...

Never pay more than $1 for a bookmark. You can always just use a dollar for a bookmark.