Thursday, July 3, 2008

The things they say

Theo is apparently allergic to everything that grows in the summer. He's wheezing so badly and so regularly right now that I swear I am living with Darth Vadar. It is a bit unsettling to have Darth Vadar come into your bed at night when he can't sleep- the dreams get weird. Anyway- we have him on a quite a lot of drugs and it boosts his activity level to way past hyper. By 6:30 this morning he was literally bouncing off the walls. Luckily it is a beautiful summer day and I can put him outside. The drugs don't seem to be doing much for the wheezing, and he keeps ramping up his activity level and sleeping less and less as he coughs more and more. It harkens me back to when he had a super high fever and I thought to myself, "This is not going to end well." That episode ended with a very theatrical seizure. This episode seems to be headed toward more dramatics. Earlier today he came into where I was working and said, "Mom, do you know where the marbles are?" I told him to look in the chinese checkers game. His response, "But I already looked in there!!!" Then he collapsed, crying, and yelled, "Oh....I've lost my marbles." I agreed, but I was talking different marbles.

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