Thursday, July 3, 2008

A watched caterpillar never chrysalizes

But it did! It did! Our two caterpillars (one who continued to try to escape) have been hanging in the J all day and I have been doing periodic checks to see if we could catch one of going into a chrysalis, and we actually caught one! Eli, Theo, Eli's pal Sam, and I all pressed our faces up to the screening of the cage and watched it writhe and spin and pop its skin off. After it was done, I think Sam summed it up when he said, "Gretchen, if you see the other one start to do its skin popping thing, maybe you shouldn't call me down." That's how I felt. It was amazing and cool and nauseating. And the whole time I thought it was going to lose its purchase on the bottom of the leaf and plummet to its death and we would be watching. But it didn't. I'm off to watch out for number two. And I am calling Sam down.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Try a tadpole next. It's jaw dropping to watch it turn into a frog.
