Tuesday, March 17, 2009


For the past few days here in St. Paul the weather has provided a wonderful working definition of the word 'tonic'. It has been all we could possibly ask for. Sunny, light breezes, anywhere from 50 to the higher 60's. It's that kind of weather that begs you to go for a run. Dares you to deny your body's desire to stretch and jump- to smile. It is a day like today that makes you want to keep living here. Because how wonderful would 55 and sunny feel if we didn't have to get through the winter first? Anyway- coming in just now from the grocery store- lugging my bags from car to front steps- I recalled that just last week while performing this same task I was braving subzero windchills and several times did the windmill as I slipped on the ice. I fear I was quite grumpy- certainly not smiling. Today- how can you not??? The word tonic kept running through my head and I came in to look up the actual definition. Here it is: Anything that invigorates, refreshes, or restores. Producing or stimulating physical or mental vigor. I have fully enjoyed the invigoration and refreshment I have felt over the past few days. But the aspect that I most needed was the restoring. Most prominently, the need for my faith in Minnesota to be restored. It has. And I am so delighted that as soon as I hit 'publish' I can slip on my running shoes and hit the streets sans jacket. Now I'm just waiting for the mental vigor to kick in. That seems to be lagging behind a bit....

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