Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Slick 'er down

Today was picture day at school. Theo's hair is tough to mess up. He has this thick wavy hair that stays close to his skull no matter what it has been through. Not the case with Eli. His is always winging this way or that. This morning Theo's hair was showing a bit more spunk than usual. I called him into the bathroom and offered up an array of hair product. He chose to use Jon's and asked if I could stick the front part up a bit. I could and I did. He checked out the results, was generally pleased- flexed his lips in the old Billy Idol sneer for a while, and then spotted a tuft of hair on the side doing its own thing. His comment: Mom? What's going on there?? He made a face at himself then said, "Slick 'er down woman!"

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