The other day while I was driving somewhere I had Theo in the backseat. He was talking. A lot. Apparently he was fed up with the injustice in the world and needed some time to vent. He's seven. Here is his monologue:
Mom, have you ever thought about what would happen if all the humans on earth just started eating way too much meat? I mean think about! We could all die! Because if we ate too much meat we would eat all the animals and then there would not be enough protien and we would all die.
Have you thought about that?
No. Not really.
Well, I just see the world a little differently than everyone else. I just see differently.
I mean, I was at DuNord and I was laying on the dock looking in the water and I saw a fish, and I just saw it differently. I mean, like the fish is just like me, but a fish, and I don't want him to eat me, so why should I eat him? So I just eat a little bit of fish. Not too much.
Makes me wonder if he would mind if a fish ate just a little bit of him...
I guess I am thinking about all this because I was playing with the neighbors and one of them mentioned that they love McDonalds. Do you know what I call McDonalds? McMurder! That's what! And BurgerKing in MurderKing!! White Castle Castle!
It was here that I was wondering how he was going to get out of this...we don't eat at these places often, but in the past he has declared quite a taste for the old White Castle slider....but then:
Well, I guess Death Castle maybe could just be White Castle because their burgers are so small! They don't use up as much meat! But McMurder for sure.
Clever loophole the child created for himself. But wait, now he has segwayed to a different topic:
And trees! I am just never going to cut down a tree again! I mean people could use other stuff to build houses and furniture and stuff. Like trees that have already fallen down....and driftwood!! There's lots of driftwood. Have you ever thought of that?
I giggle a little about the image of a driftwood house. It has some advantages- it would be lightweight? At this point we park. Next to a telephone pole....
Take this telephone pole for example!!! It doesn't have to be made from a cut down tree! It could just be a planted alive tree. Just stick your street light on it and put some wires attached to it!!
By this time he is all but beating his chest and ripping off his shirt, his ire is so riled. Luckily we had arrived at our destination- a friend's house. He walked to the door still mumbling about trees and the stupidity of humans, then was immediately whisked into a fast paced game of Uno and forgot his passionate tirade. For the moment.
This whole speech made me chuckle, but also got me a little nervous. I mean, we do express our opinions around Eli and Theo, but we try not to indoctrinate. We hope they draw their own conclusions. And Theo has, but the severity of them is a little too much. Of a mirror? Maybe we should tone down the political discussions around the dinner table. For the record, I have never called McDonalds McMurder. I do like Death Castle however, and may start using that one.
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