Friday, August 17, 2012

Road Tripping Whale Tales

Here's one story that keeps me chuckling as I think back to our latest family escapade:

We were on a boat, about 1.5 hours off the coast of Boston.  The boat was jampacked with other whale watchers and we had not been disappointed.  Humpbacks had spouted, shown their mighty tails, and even swam right at our boat before diving underneath it and coming up on the other side.  But there were all of these moments when they would disappear from view and you just wouldn't know where they would pop up again.  Everyone was peering anxiously all around, I think all of us secretly hoping to be the spotter- to gasp and point before getting the directions from the 'pro' with a microphone up on the top deck.

So at one point the whales we had been following had been underwater for quite a while.  Tension was mounting.  They were sure to pop up any moment.  And then, close, so close, I heard an extrodinarily loud blow hole clearing.  Wow!  Must be right behind me!  I mean right there!  I turned quickly, spastically, to look leeward.  To see (and hear) the middle-aged guy behind me clear his STOMA for a second time.  Seriously sounds akin to a whale's blowhole.  But it wasn't.

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