Friday, October 26, 2012

One person's trash, another person's....trash

Since joining the Camp DuNord board I have been sucked into volunteering at the annual huge garage sale that raises money to send families to DuNord and kids to Widji.  Totally believe in the mission of this event- just can't believe the size of it, and the work, and the items some people donate.  Definitely some great finds out there in the Merchandise Mart at the State Fair grounds.  But you have to dig through a lot of pretty scrubby goods to find them.

This year part of my volunteer stint included dispersing loads of dropped off goods into the appropriate sections of the sale.  I had grocery carts labeled Women's clothes, Shoes, Kitchen, Home Decor, ect.  People would drive up, unload their goods into a shopping cart and I would then divide them up into the proper categories.  Mostly this was easy, but at some point I came across a cart of donations that included several puzzlers.  I made some executive decisions, putting the small, odd sized wooden dowels in with 'hardware' and occasionally throwing items that looked too worn for resale. 

Then I came to an old, slim box with graphics that looked like they were from the 60's.  From the pictures it sure looked like what we had here enema bag.  I opened the box, and sure enough, there was the piping and the 'valve', everything pictured on the box, except the bag. 

Who finds a used enema kit, an incomplete used enema kit, in the back of a closet and thinks, "I know, I'll bring this to the Y garage sale!"  I sorted that one right into the dumpster out back.  I realize I might have cheated the Y out of at least 33 cents in profits there, and for that, I apologize.

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