Friday, May 24, 2013

Avalon in the news!

This past year at my school we undertook a campaign we called ReadBrave.  The entire high school read a book together- out loud, in small groups.  The book, Everybody Sees the Ants, dealt with bullying.  There were parts that were tough to read.  And certainly,at my school, at any school, there were kids who could relate, and painfully so.  We read, we talked, we laughed, and some of us cried.  It was a good experience.  Somehow we connected with Lady GaGa's Born Brave Foundation and the kids started making and recording Public Service Announcements in order to try to catch her attention and lure her to Avalon.  It did not work as planned, but it did get us on several news channels and the word got out about these videos where kids were talking honestly about their experience in other places, and how they had a found a home at Avalon and could be themselves here.  It was sweet and reaffirming.  In the end, several students scored tours of Gaga's bus and front row tickets to her concert.  One reports that the Lady herself passed by so near him he could have touched her.  He will never be the same.

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