Thursday, June 27, 2013

Tooth Fairy does damage

So, a while back Theo lost a tooth.  He KNOWS there is no Tooth Fairy, yet there is this strong expectation that we keep playing along.  And so we have.  Some days it takes us a few reminders to remember, but the coin usually does arrive under the pillow.  But on this one evening, Theo was wound up and not getting to sleep.  I was tired.  I couldn't wait.  So I grabbed the coin and then pranced into his room making flapping motions with my wings and shoved the coin under his pillow.  I thought I was kind of funny.

His response?  "Mom.  You have just so damaged me."

Apparently so.  Because shortly thereafter the Easter Bunny arrived- but Easter came the morning after we crashed back in our home after a long drive from Colorado.  We hinted to the boys that there might be no easter bunny activity on Brimhall this year.  They took it fairly stoically.  Theo bundled up to bed a bit after the discussion.  But he didn't go to sleep.  He kept getting up out of his loft and looking around.  I thought he was looking for the Easter Bunny.  But no, he was looking for us to go to bed.  Because as soon as we retired to our room, Theo jumped out into the hall and quietly spread coins and other little tidbits of candy or chocolate he had secretly dug out of the back recesses of our kitchen cupboards.  He was not leaving this Easter Bunny up to his damaging mom.  I appreciated that.

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