Wednesday, October 30, 2013

A lovely Scottish guest

For a week in late May we had a Scottish house guest.  Allan was eventually headed out to spend the summer as a counselor at Camp DuNord, but needed a place to stay while he did his lifeguard training at a local Y.  It was a wild week at our house with all of us coming and going at all hours of the day and night, but we decided we could use a visitor to freshen things up.  Eli gamely moved on to Theo's floor and opened up his room to Allan.
Lovely young man.  Great accent, especially when he called things 'lovely'.  Which he did all the time.  Even our unseasonably crappy spring.  To a Scottish lad, the 15 minutes of sun was apparently an improvement from back home.  A lovely one.  This new outlook was just what we needed at the end of the single most tiresome spring Minnesota has ever thrown our way.
It wasn't enough time to really get to know Allan, but it was a delight to share our part of the world with him during the time that we had.  The guy had some social skills.  Beyond calling everything lovely (including our newly passed law that gays could marry!) he was endlessly thanking us.  He even slipped each boy a fiver for 'giving up their space' for him.  Wow.
Can't wait for another opportunity like this, but Allan has set the bar very high.  It is a lovely bar, of course.

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