Wednesday, October 30, 2013

DC yet again, this time with my sweet guy

As much as I enjoyed my April trip to DC with colleagues, there was something even more delightful about returning in May with my youngest child.  He is the most upbeat, can-do, roll with it, travel partner I could ask for.  We got up each morning and walked down toward the mall.  We would then plot our route to museums and exhibits and events.  By late afternoon we were usually ready for a siesta back at the hotel.  Due to a lucky coincidence my old pal John O happened to be in town, so after a rest we would meet up with John for dinner.  The first night it was just John, as his family had not yet joined him in DC.  Knowing the direct route to my son's heart, John took us out to eat and then to a little hole in the wall shop in China Town, which sold ninja supplies.  John and Theo giggled in the back imagining their escapades with the weapons on display while I browsed for less lethal items.

By night two, John had Theo in the palm of his hand.  Which was a problem when John's young son entered the picture.  He immediately recognized Theo as a rival for his father's attention and loudly proclaimed that he did not like that Theo guy.  Which made Theo pause briefly in his conversation with John O, smile, and then go back to hogging John's attention.  Linus made more dramatic entreaties to his dad and I decided it was time to redirect Theo's love, back toward me.  In the end, after Linus had his dad to himself for several hours, the boys realized that John was even more fun when playing with multiple children.  I watched them laugh their way through the National Zoo and commented to John's wife, "You know, Theo is not like this with all adults.  He can be quite reserved."  She remarked that John had this effect on most children.  She has a theory that after just a few minutes with John kids realize that maybe they don't really have to ever grow up, because John hasn't, and they shower him with gratitude and admiration for his denunciation of adulthood.  A theory I think is grounded in much research, and one I agree with heartily.  Lucky Linus!
Photo: Hanging out on the mall with one of my favorite citizens of this nation.

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