Sunday, July 22, 2007

Quick Compact Update

In the 10 weeks since we have started living on 'the compact' we have experienced a high occurance of breakdowns in the household items department. Our dishwasher quit- then magically started again, but its days are surely numbered; our one light in the living room only works if you jiggle it in a certain way, then it only works for about 37 seconds; and only 3/5 of the dining room blinds still work... For now we are holding our breath about the dishwasher, only occupying the living room during daylight hours, and evacuating the dining room for shadier dinners on the back porch. Oh, and we have taped some dish towels to the blind-free windows. Classy. But these items will have to be dealt with soon. I don't think the resale market for any of these things is extremely high, but we are keeping our eyes open. If anyone has any leads- send them our way! And here's to hoping the tempermental, touchy toilet holds out until the end of the year. The thought of a used toilet is troubling to me.

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