Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Flashlight tag

I got home from work at 5:30 with Eli in tow. My mom and dad were here watching Theo and they had various bits of info to share with me (Wendy and Judy met Hilary-even gave her a t-shirt, some dermatologist says McCain can NOT last through two terms, Durenberger is voting Dem., Max napped and pooped, Theo ate zuchinni bread- this is where Eli yells- Where's the zuchinni bread??) all in a whirlwind 10 minutes. Then they remind me that we won't see them again until we fly down to meet them in Florida- is there anything I want to send with them? So I frantically fly around the basement digging out snorkels and masks- including the ones I last used 18 years ago when I lived in Antigua. Then they walk out and Jon walks in and we rush to get supper cooked and eaten and cleaned up before Jon heads out to Spanish class. And then I sit down to get a few things done before bedtime..... within seconds Eli comes in and asks me if I want to play flashlight tag. I do. I really do, but I have so many things to do and I'm still in my work clothes and...., so I try to put him off and tell them to go get started. I'll be there soon. He knows what this means.... But then I decide to forget what I was trying to do and go join them. And it was delightful. I'm still wheezing. Mostly from running full tilt around the house 1,346 times, but also from being a little scared of the dark and a little from laughing my head off at the great frozen looks you get when you pop out of the dark and flash your flashlight in an unsuspecting little face. For the record, I won. Kidding. Eli is watching me type this and I wanted to get his goat. I'm totally up for another game tomorrow.

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