Tuesday, March 2, 2010

This is progress?

I have started physical therapy on my wrist. Last week when I took off the split and the PT measured my ability to bend it, I maxed out at a 5 degree angle. That's right, I could bend it only 5 degrees from straight. The PT said, "Ok, now bend your wrist forward...." But I already was, with all my might. He looked real closely and found something to measure. He, in his optimistic fashion, pointed out that there was definitely room for progress. I was given a list of exercises and sent off for a week. And after yesterday's recheck I can report a 100% increase in flexibility. Up to a whopping 10 degrees of flexion. The PT was excited. Me, not so much. I have to admit that my expectations were somewhat higher. But I supposed if I can somehow manage 100% increases each week, I will be up to 90 degrees within the month....

I now understand why the surgeon, back in late January, showed me my x-rays, showed me how the screw is entirely encased in bone, showed me how the screw is in no way an impediment to bending the wrist, and made me promise him I would not call him and tell him that I couldn't bend my wrist because the screw must be in the way. He was not content with me just nodding along to his pronouncement. I had to repeat after him, "I understand that the screw is not the problem." I remembered that last week as I was searching through my records for his phone number, about to call and tell him that the screw must have slipped a little, because I couldn't move my wrist. It's like he's done this before or something.

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