Monday, June 2, 2014

He's faster. Shoot.

In late March we ventured back up to Dunord for another winter weekend.  Sure, the weekend was billed as 'Spring Fling', but with 3 plus feet of snow still on the ground, we took advantage of the one last time to get out on skies. With unfortunate results.  No, no one got injured as we glided down the ridge from the BWCA back into Dunord proper.  No, we did not suffer from frost bite or get stuck (for too long) in snow mounds that were over our heads.  What happened is that I skied with Eli and had to face up to the fact that he is faster than me.  The first time we went out and he left me in the dust I chalked it up to the fact that I was carrying a heavy backpack and he was unencumbered.  The second time I blamed it on a bad wax job (not eyebrows, but skis). But when it happened on the third ski, and we were waxed the same, I had no backpack, and he still dusted me, well, then I had to own up to the fact that the kid has gone and done it. Dang.  My only condolence is that several other people saw him out on the trails and remarked on his smooth, quick, stride.  Which was nice to hear, as I couldn't see it- he was too far ahead of me.

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