Monday, November 4, 2013

Croixathlon XIII

Photo: Love these...girls?Photo: Thanks, Rich, for catching this rougue participant without a number or a helmet.

Another Croixathlon went off without too many hitches.  There was the fact that the heavy spring rains totally swallowed camp's beach and we had to make up a plan B the night before the race.  But we did and the race was on.  Every year as we get close to race date I swear I will never ever ever do this again.  But then the race happens and it's so amazing to see the smiles on the faces of all the competitors and I'm suckered into considering another one.  This year we reprised the pirate theme and I think Amy brought it to a new level by biking in her beard, sword at her waist.  She wasn't doing the race- just checking on logistics as the race got underway.  We are talking about chaging the event to a fall duathlon in the future to compensate for the tricky spring water levels as well as the heavy use of camp during the summer... In any case, I think the pirate theme is here to stay.

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