Monday, November 25, 2013

The Crow

The new name for our youngest son.  He likes to be called a raven.  Eli calls him a magpie.  All fit as he is unbelievably attracted to shiny objects. Picks them up and carries them around, incorporates them into the stories that are always running through his mind.  And then sets them down.  Nowhere near where he originally picked them up.  We are constantly hunting for car keys, can openers, scissors, salad tongs, cork screws, pliers.  If he sees it, he can't help himself put to pick it up.  We are currently staying out at my parents while our house is being remodeled.  My dad's workshop is a magpie's dream.  It will take us weeks to return all the carabiners, marshmellow sticks, hatchets, chains to their original positions.

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