Monday, November 25, 2013

Still loving my kids' school!

This fall I admit I was a little nervous that my little sixth grader was going to be in a 'crew' (homeroom on steriods as it has been described by OPEN teachers) with high schoolers at OWL. But the first day he came home and declared how much he loves it. He eats lunch with a mixed-aged group and loves that the high schoolers know he exists. And yesterday he was rambling on about school and said, "Then there's Frances (11th grader). What I love about Frances is that she is not afraid to tackle social and racial issues head on. She is always looking for solutions." Wow. What a great thing to notice about a fellow student- and how cool that she is friends with my 6th grader. 

The other day I dropped the boys at school at 7:30 am.  Jon was set to drive them back out to Hudson at the end of the day- around 2:30.  But Theo wanted to stay and help out at the open house for prospective students.  So, after school he went to archery for a couple hours and then he helped set up for the Open House.  Around the dinner hour a group of ninth graders tucked him under their wing and took him through the skyways to a food court where they all got some dinner.  I picked him up, tired but quite happy, at 8:30pm.  Can't believe I can leave my youngest downtown St. Paul for 13 hours and know that he is in good hands the whole time.  Love it.

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