Friday, November 16, 2012

Playing house

Late in the summer I needed to find a moment to meet with a co-worker/friend.  Only she had 9 month old twins as well as a 4 year old in the house all summer, so finding a quiet moment was nearly impossible.  We decided to meet at a park.  We figured if I brought Theo along (Eli was off at camp) he and her four year old daughter could play and we could each wrangle a twin.  The plan worked excellently.  Theo, although much older than my friend's daughter, was a charming pal to her on the playground.  While chatting with Nora and holding a twin I watched them climb up and over everything there.  Then they retired to quieter play in some of the play structures for younger kids. 

At some point, their play took them into our sphere for a moment.  Theo caught my eye as he darted by.  Gave me a bit of a frantic look.  Not long thereafter, the twins started demanding that naps needed to be prepared for so we packed up to leave.  Nora's daughter was bereft to be leaving Theo.  He got a long hug and made promises to play again soon. As they drove off and we walked to our car, Theo let out a long sigh.  Then this:  "Whew.  That whole time we were playing house.  I don't think Emilia noticed, but sheesh, I had NO idea what I was doing.  I am exhausted."  Love him.

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