Thursday, January 2, 2014

Family pictures

All the Sage kids and grandkids got together on the sly this November to pose for a family portrait for Jean and Rodg.  In all fairness, it was the newest family member's idea- she has firmly lodged her place in Jean's heart with this move.  And she deserves it.  It is no easy task to herd Sage cats.  And we never lined up a photographer, but were able to pull off a decent self-timer shot.  We ended up giving Jean and Rodg a large framed canvas of all of us.  It went over well.

Then there is the Martinson photo.  Kirk had the idea to recreate a favorite childhood photo for Sherry and Rollie's 50th anniversary.  It is a much cherished photo of the four siblings taken when Jon was about 8.  I don't know if Sherry will 'cherish' the new one, but when she opened it, she laughed uncontrollably for quite a while.  It was a pleasure to watch.  Here's both the original and the recreation.  I think the sibling shot of the Sages is a bit more dignified, but not worth as many laughs, for sure.

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