Saturday, November 29, 2014

Spririted Child

Theo adores his school.  He is full up on school spirit.  Too bad Open doesn't have any pep fests or homecoming games where Theo can show off this pride.  But they did have a last minute spirit week.  Theo took it very seriously.  For dress up day he sported the full suit, plus suspenders and a bow tie.  He might have even combed his hair that morning.  He looked good.  Then there was the day where each class was too wear a certain color.  7th graders got yellow.  Theo talked me in to taking him to Ragstock to look for something fun to wear.  He came so close to purchasing a long-sleeved, long-legged, golden lycra jumpsuit.  Tried it on at the store and let me see it on him.  It was ridiculously hilarious.  And he would have bought it and wore it to school if I hadn't intervened.  I just couldn't let it happen- something I know regret, as I think he could have pulled it off.  In the end, he bought a horrible yellow fur hat.  At least that is warm and he can wear it through the winter.  The jump suit had limited options for use.  But I do appreciate his spirit.

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