Friday, July 17, 2009

Oh- and there were no bugs!

That might be the greatest advantage the Namekagon had- atleast this time around. There were virtually no bugs. Of course a deerfly or horsefly would come by every now or then to check us out, but I would kill it dramatically and call out "And let that be a lesson to your brothers and sisters!!!" and that would be the end of that. There was the report of one mosquito one evening in Sam and Becky's tent. And really, it does only take one mosquito in the tent to drive you a little wild- but with that one pesky critter cooped up in their tent, we were doing fine. Ticks were spotted here and there, but never with their heads buried in our flesh. Bugs can ruin my attitude pretty quickly- so we were all lucky to be spared the fate of an ornery Gretchen.

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