Sunday, July 5, 2009

The Smoothie Meister

Theo is a fan of the smoothie. Luckily we are smack dab in the high season of our raspberry patch and have a plethora of strawberries, both fresh and frozen, from a recent outing to a pick-your-own farm. So in the mornings Theo will stumble down in his pjs, and while still bleary eyed he will get out the blender, a mixture of berries, maybe a banana, and a touch of juice and yogurt. He follows no recipe and no two smoothies are ever the same, but they are all delicious. It is a joy to watch him wake up as he concocts his magic brew. He oohs and ahs over the color and texture, adding ice or juice to get it to right where he wants it. He can't quite negotiate getting the whole lid off by himself, so he just pops off the little top part which he calls his window and plops in the ingredients as needed. The whole process is delightfully independent of me- although I sometimes try to give him advice which he rarely heeds. By the time he is clamboring up into the cup cupboard he is fully awake and ready to start his day- he grabs a glass, pours himself a healthy dose of his homemade elixer, and off he goes. He has never been much of a breakfast eater and he continually runs at just a faint dewdrop above dehydrated, so this selfmade liquid breakfast is a cureall. I am currently stocking the freezer with the daily harvest of 'extra' berries, hoping we can keep this trend going past the berry season.

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